“I can’t even start to explain here how much I’ve learned and how much I have come to love painting and drawing…Thank you for your insight, encouragement and kind spirit—and having me in your class. The experience has breathed new life into my artistic soul which has been an enormous gift.” —C.W.
“I have to confess that I have been gushing about your class to all my peers.” —D.F.
“Mr. Halstead is one of few people who has the ability to both teach his skills and practice them in the highest level of professionalism. There are people who can do one or the other but Mr. Halstead has the rare gift of doing both.” —T.G.
“Thanks so much for your wonderful instruction and encouragement! You are a born teacher as well as artist and have helped me more than I can say.” —S.B.
“Everything you ever said has been true, but the one thing that keeps coming back to me is: You have to figure out who you are, and who you aren’t; don’t try to be who you aren’t. True for anyone, I guess, but boy is it true for artists. I can’t begin to tell you how much your teaching was the key that unlocked these doors for me.” —L.S.
“Such luxury to enjoy hours of uninterrupted drawing.” —R.H.
“Your help has been invaluable to me.” —B.L.
“The personal attention you gave me allowed me to improve more quickly than in any other class or program I’ve been in.” —L.R.
“… providing such a peaceful inlet to art and (to) my soul has been a life line. Somehow, in the fog that each new student presents, you perceive a vision and a unique path and you help each of us to find our footing on our own path.” —C.B.
“Although your talent has been obviously and widely apparent, it is your rare teaching abilities that have made such an impact on your students. I still don’t know how you get into everyone’s head and nurture each of our individual styles and sensibilities.” —M.S.
“The experience that I have had over the past two years as a student-assistant-friend of yours has value to me beyond which any price could pay. I consider the education that I received from you to be thought provoking and down to earth. These two qualities are indispensable in a quality instructor.” —C.B.
Mailing Address: 3320 Culver St., Evanston, IL 60201
Studio/Classes: 1316 Sherman Avenue #216, Evanston, IL 60201